Springfield College student trustee Samantha Hourihan is another example of a student leader on the campus who is making a difference within the campus community.
Hourihan is the current student trustee and a big part of her plan for the 2022-23 academic year is to continue to build awareness for mental health awareness and support. A physical therapy major and a member of the women’s basketball team, Hourihan appreciates the opportunities that are available at Springfield College, and she is grateful to everyone who supports the College and makes these opportunities available.
“I think any donation is the perfect donation, because I see how it impacts all of the students on the campus,” said Hourihan. “With the support we receive as students, I have been able to take part in impact programs such as Minds in Motion and Pride Cares. We are able to have some of the best facilities as well. I am very thankful for my experiences at Springfield College.”